Business Outlaws – When Should You Take On A Business Partner? – 22

Let’s face it: Most entrepreneurs are independent, highly driven, outside-the-box thinkers. In fact, many of the qualities that make them great entrepreneurs are the same ones that make them not-so-great employees.

However, there will come a time in your business when it’s worth considering taking on a partner — or potentially several hundred or thousand, if you take your company public. So, how do you know when it’s the right time to partner up, or whether you should remain a solo-preneur?

On Episode 23, BigMike, Chris Collins and host Jayme Foxx discuss the belief system you need in order to succeed on your own, key considerations before giving up creative or operational control, and why you should ALWAYS hire the BEST lawyers you can to review your contracts and help you negotiate deals.

After you’ve listened, be sure to head over to for exclusive content, behind-the-scenes footage and much more. And you can see more of BigMike, Chris and Jayme by following them on Instagram @BigMike, @ChrisBulldogCollins and @JaymeFoxx.

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