Podcast Episodes

Episodes of The Business Outlaws

Business Outlaws – You’re Eating Wrong, You’re Thinking Wrong — And That’s Screwing You Up – 35

What are you afraid of? There’s no shame in admitting that you’re afraid of your business failing. You’ll never meet a business owner who isn’t afraid of failure. But while some people let that fear keep them working for the man, others accept that any time there’s a chance for success, there’s a chance for failure. Those are the guys and gals you wanna emulate.

In this episode of Business Outlaws, serial entrepreneur and WildFit founder Eric Edmeades join BigMike, Chris “Bulldog” Collins and host Jayme Foxx to talk about where fear factors into how we think about our businesses and why most of our fears are completely irrational.

“We live in the safest times in the history of times,” Edmeades explains. Even knowing that, it’s difficult to step off the safe path we’ve mentally carved out for ourselves. “Our primal programming is still there, man,” BigMike adds. Changing how you view your fears will change how you lead your company, but that’s not the only relationship you need to change to optimize yourself for success. Tune in to this episode of Business Outlaws to learn more about the other relationship you’re handling wrong — and how to fix it.

When the episode’s over, go to BusinessOutlaws.com to access exclusive content and behind-the-scenes footage of BigMike, Chris, Jayme and Edmeades. For even more Business Outlaws content, follow @BusinessOutlaws on Instagram.

Business Outlaws – When the Bubble Bursts, Will You Survive? – 34

Bubbles develop in every industry. And they get bigger and bigger and bigger…until they pop. It happened in the tech industry, it happened in the housing market and it’s gonna happen in the cannabis market. How is your business equipped to ride out a bubble in your industry?

Business Outlaws – Overcome Your Past – Build Your New Virtual Reality with Brent Bushnell – 33

When you were a kid, you probably heard the old cliché that “you can be anything you want to be,” trotted out on a near daily basis. But nowadays, we’re living in a world where it’s actually true, thanks to virtual reality — which exists because of the driven, creative people who design and build these new virtual worlds.

Business Outlaws – You’re A Monster: Exclusive Interview With Tim Larkin – 32

In Part 2 of the Business Outlaws interview with Tim Larkin, creator of Target Focus Training and author of Survive the Unthinkable and When Violence is the Answer, BigMike, Chris “Bulldog” Collins and host Jayme Foxx continue their discussion on protecting yourself in violent situations by understanding how predators view your body. In business, the same principle applies — to protect yourself from the people who can hurt you, you’ve got to think how they think.

Business Outlaws – Tim Larkin Tells You How To Not Get Your Ass Beat – 31

It’s an unfortunate reality that violence exists in our world. We all move in and out of situations on a daily basis that can potentially become violent — you might not realize it because most of these situations don’t become destructive, but that doesn’t mean the risk is any less acute. How are you prepared to defend yourself in a violent situation?

Business Outlaws – Think You’re at a Disadvantage? Bet you Never Built an Empire After 13 Years in Prison – 30

How do you recover from an extreme setback, like going to prison? What’s your plan for rebuilding your life and your brand after you’ve hit rock bottom? In this episode of Business Outlaws, BigMike, Chris “Bulldog” Collins and host Jayme Foxx chat with “Freeway” Rick Ross, convicted drug trafficker who’s now rebuilding his life and business after spending 13 years in prison as part of a life sentence.

Business Outlaws – How To Keep Psychopaths And Sociopaths From Using You – 29

Psychopath. Sociopath. Narcissist. Codependent. Gaslighting. Triangulation. You’ve likely heard all these terms before, but can you accurately define them? More importantly, can you recognize them in yourself and in the people you interact with?

Business Outlaws – Stop Making These Common Marketing Mistakes – 28

Anybody can sell a commodity. And nearly everybody who tries to sell a product fails. Why? Because they didn’t market their products effectively.

Business Outlaws – How To Take Your Side-Hustle and Make It Your Career – 27

How do you make your side hustle your main gig? This is the million-dollar question for any entrepreneur trying to make their dream a reality. On Episode 27 of Business Outlaws, Chris Collins, BigMike and host Jayme Foxx break that question down and give you the tips and tricks to make your side-hustle dreams into a reality.

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